If Mercury is the Messenger…

Kayla Garretson
2 min readMay 22, 2021


Then what is Mercury Retrograde trying to tell us?

So many people hear “Mercury Retrograde” and start to moan, sigh, beat their fists, or throw their whole desk out the window of their office building screaming “FUCK IT. WHAT’S THE POINT.”

A little dramatic? I swear I know some of ya’ll at least feel that way!

The truth is, there’s so much beauty in chaos. It’s just about ~s l o w i n g d o w n~ enough to practice being the eye of the storm and witnessing what comes from the wreckage.

So let’s talk about our lovely planet Mercury — our fleet-footed, merciless messenger. Said to be the intermediary between humans and the gods/cosmos/ universe, he is alllll about the mind. Specifically, he deals with intelligence, communication, education, sharing ideas, and wanting to be heard. He can also symbolize travel, represents the hands/arms/and nervous system (go figure — the nervous system does A LOT of communication), and is ruled by Gemini and Virgo.

Still with me? Aight good! Let’s dive a little deeper into understanding the MEGA importance of this planet so that we can even better understand it’s retrograde transit.

The symbol for Mercury is ☿️. The top “horns” represent receptivity and contact with new realities/higher levels of information. The circle is representative of “spirit” or the creative energy of life. The cross at the bottoms stands for practical application. Sooo put ’em all together and what do you get?

  • Connection and receptivity to new realities entering through spirit/life force to be practically applied in the “real” world.

Easy peasy!

Now, when this planet goes retrograde, it means everybody better slooooow the fuck down. Like for real for real. This is a time period that is best characterized by Murphy’s Law; “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.” That is to say, if you DON’T listen.

Regardless, this time period is best known for travel problems, tech problems, communication problems as a whole. If Mercury is the messenger, it’s telling us to pay attention. Slow down. Listen. Take informed action. Or maybe don’t take too much action right now because you proooobably don’t know all of the answers. Everyone else is just as equally affected as you! So miscommunication, misunderstanding, and disruption will be at an all time high.

When should I batten down the hatches then huh?!

The second Mercury RX of 2021 will be from May 29 until June 22nd. The third will be from September 27th until October 23rd.

Mercury is the bridge to understanding. Take advantage of this seemingly tumultuous time period to slow down, reflect, laugh, and learn how to go with the flow!



Kayla Garretson

Just out here trying to create more conscious, connected community through wellness coaching, hosting retreats, and creating with like-minded peeps!